Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Alliteration in songs

1.LUMPS by Presidents of the united states :  
Lump lingered last in line for brains..." and later, "lump was limp and lonely (and needed a shove)" and "life limped along" "at subsonic speeds"

2. If I Die 2Nite by Tupac :
Picture Perfection, Pursuin' Paper with a Passion.
 Pee while Practicin' how to Pimp and be a Playa.

Alliterations tounge twisters

1. Terrific Tony had tacky Tantrums.

2. English earmuffs were on eagles ears

3. Black bears and brown bugs have big boogers

4. Big babies burps and put boogers on bibs                                                         

5. Big Ben begs banks to hold his Benjamin’s .                                                     

6. Stinky Sam smells sour so we said shower.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Poetry 10/18/11

1.What is poetry?
  • Poetry is a way to express your feelings in a form of rhythm.

2. Who is likely to agree and disagree with you?
  • My friends are likely to agree with me.
  • People who study poetry for a living will disagree with me if they have a better way of looking at it.
3. Does poetry have to rhyme?

  • Poetry does not have to rhyme,but most people would like it to rhyme such s rappers and singers.

4. Does poetry have to make sense? Can it be random words on a page? Explain.
  • I believe poetry has to make sense, just because people would rather read something that had a meaning to it so they can see if they can relate or just to have some good comments.
5. What type of feelings does or can poetry evoke (cause)?
  • sadness
  • happy
  • anger

    Wednesday, October 12, 2011